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The FBI Bible Class


The Book of Philippians

Joy in the Christian Life


The Book of Philippians is unique in the New Testament. It was written about 62 AD by the missionary apostle Paul. He wrote the letter to a church that supported him in service, in prayer, and with its money.
Chained now to a Roman soldier twenty-four hours a day, what’s he got to teach us about Joy in the Christian life?


“I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;” —

Philippians 1:25

Over the last few years, the FBI Bible Class has presented verse-by-verse studies in

Now we begin the Book of Philippians.
The Book of Philippians is unique in the New Testament. It was written about 62 AD by the missionary apostle Paul. He wrote the letter to a church that supported him in service, in prayer, and with its money.
Chained now to a Roman soldier twenty-four hours a day, what’s he got to teach us about Joy in the Christian life?
Jump into the introduction with us now. Be surprised.

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The Book of Philippians is all about joy in the Christian life.
Not the “joy” you get from riding the roughest wooden roller coaster you can find. This is the abiding joy you find when you enter into the Fellowship of the Gospel with Paul the Apostle.

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The handout is here. If you want the filled-in version, that’s here.


This is PART TWO, continuing “Increasing Joy.”

The Book of Philippians is all about joy in the Christian life.
Not the “joy” you get from riding the roughest wooden roller coaster you can find. This is the abiding joy you find when you enter into the Fellowship of the Gospel with Paul the Apostle.

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The handout is here. If you want the filled-in version, that’s here.


From Warren Wiersbe: More than anything else, Paul’s desire as a missionary was to preach the gospel in Rome. The hub of the great empire, Rome was the key city of its day. If Paul could conquer it for Christ, it would mean reaching millions with the message of salvation. It was critically important on Paul’s agenda, for he said, “After I have been there [Jerusalem], I must also see Rome” (Acts 19:21). From Corinth he wrote, “So, as much as in me is, I am ready [eager] to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also” (Rom. 1:15).

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The handout is here. If you want the filled-in version, that’s here.


The Christian life is a battlefield. Opposing us are all the forces of darkness.
If you think that sounds like hyperbole, then consider yourself a casualty.
“Earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 1:8

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The Christian life is a battlefield. Opposing us are all the forces of darkness.
Continuing with “The Christian life is a battle.” We contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. We struggle against sin, and we resist the evil one.
There is joy in the battle. Jesus set his face like a flint toward Jerusalem and the cross, for the joy that was set before Him.

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The Lord Jesus is the example of the Christian in everything.
So, what does it mean to “Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus?” This is part 1 of 2.

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The Lord Jesus is the example of the Christian in everything.
So, what does it mean to “Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus?” This is part 2 of 2.

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What? Work FOR your salvation:? What’s that all about?
No, Grasshopper… it isn’t “Work FOR” your salvation. It’s “Work OUT” your salvation. This video is a compilation of three weeks, so it’s a little longer than some.

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Counting – a skill we all need. Sometimes we to take inventory. What has value? What is trash?
The apostle Paul counted up the important things in his life up until the time when he knew the Lord Jesus. What things he had imagined were valuable to him, he now realized were of no more value than the sludge at the bottom of the septic tank.
What counted, what really mattered, was knowing Christ. Knowing the immense power of the resurrection, joining into the sufferings all believers are called to, and dying to himself.

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About The FBI Class

The FBI Bible class is taught by Jay Faubion. Jay is a former missionary who served in VietNam, Guam and among the Chinese in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Beijing.

The class is a ministry of Faith Baptist Church, in Danville, Indiana. We are Bible-believers.
