Jay Faubion

Bible Teacher, Foreign Missionary, Software Engineer

 JAY FAUBION is a former thirty-year foreign missionary, Senior Software Engineer and published author.

In 1964, I married my high school sweetheart, Janet Kusaka. I was in the Air Force at that time. We moved to my duty post in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The very first Bible-believing church either of us had ever attended was the Cheyenne Baptist Temple. I had never heard the Gospel before, and couldn’t have told you who or what Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were. This would have been around March/April of 1965.

On May 9, 1965 Janet and I were both born again (John 3:3-5).  God called us into His service, from which we never looked back.

In December of 1966, as a new Christian and an American soldier in Vietnam, I was deeply moved at my first exposure to idolatry. Janet, of course, remained back in the USA where she worked as a bank teller at Washington Mutual Savings in Seattle.

In 1974, after completing Bible college and missionary deputation, our family of four (Myself, Janet, Cheri and Becky)) moved to South Vietnam to begin formal missionary work, where we remained until the war was lost and Americans had to leave.

In 1976, with another missionary, we started Harvest Baptist Church and Christian School on Guam.

We returned to the field in 1977 going to Taiwan, where we began our Chinese ministry. The Lord allowed us to start the Ping Lin Baptist Church in Taichung at that time. It was in Taiwan that our third daughter Debbie was born in 1978.

From 1981 until 1988 I did the software development for Baptist International Missions in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

In 1989 my wife Janet went to be with the Lord, and the Lord gave me my wife Beth in 1990. About a year later our son Daniel was born, and when he reached six weeks old, We left for the mission field of mainland China.

We remained in Beijing and Hong Kong until 1999, at which time I resigned from missionary work and our family moved to central Indiana, where my wife was raised. Our daughter Bethany was born in 1997.

We started the FBI (Faith Bible Investigators) Bible Class at Faith Baptist Church of Danville, Indiana that year, and continue to teach it to this day.

John 15:7 says, “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” I strive  to be that man, who abides in Christ, and in whom the words of the Lord Jesus have an abiding home.


