The FBI Bible Class
the Prophet
Almighty God has revealed much about our future in His Word, the Bible. Much of that prophecy begins with the Book of Daniel, The Prophet.
This book is the key to understanding the New Testament Book of Revelation.
Study with us!
Daniel the Prophet
Verse by Verse
Daniel: Introduction
Downloadable PDF versions of the PowerPoint presentations will appear in each chapter section.
When the entire series has been taught, I also plan to make the actual PowerPoint presentations available for download in their original .pptx format. This will enable others to use the presentations in their own churches and classes.
Some General Resources are available now, and as more are added I will update them here.
Download Paul Tanner’s Short Commentary on Daniel.
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
Download the Class Handout.
View the video on Rumble as taught in the FBI Class.
If you prefer YouTube, use this link.
“Paul Tanner argues that the book of Daniel is the Old Testament blueprint of the Bible’s overarching eschatological narrative. Tanner examines key aspects of the book of Daniel such as the revelation of Israel’s future in relation to gentile kingdoms, God’s exaltation of Daniel as a channel through whom he reveals his will and God’s sovereign control of the nations under whom Israel is being disciplined. Tanner provides exegetical insight to help readers better understand not only how God worked in Israel’s history through Daniel, but how he sovereignly directs all of world history—for all time.” (from the author’s website; www.paultanner.org)
I don’t think that this short commentary is necessarily the best available, but I don’t know of any other that is as good, and also provided for free. The author’s dedication to God’s Word is apparent, and that makes this a great choice for anyone.
I also like the commentaries done by John Walvoord, Harry Ironside, and Chris White.
Daniel: Chapter One
Chapter One, Part 1
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
Download the Class Handout.
View the video as taught in the FBI Class.
Also available on YouTube, if you prefer.
This is Part One. We cover the first eight verses of the chapter.
In Chapter One, Daniel and his three companions are exiled from Judah, and taken to be made eunuchs in the palace at Babylon.
We look at the geo-politics of the time, seeing what’s going on with the three extant great empires: Egypt, Assyria and Babylon.
God intervenes when Daniel purposes in his heart to maintain his loyalty to Almighty God. In a quick overview of what’s to come, Daniel is given the gift of being able to interpret dreams, and lives until the eventual defeat of the Babylonian Empire by Cyrus, king of the Medo-Persian Empire. At that time, he is 85 or 90 years old.
Chapter One, Part 2
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
Download the Class Handout. (same as Part 1)
View the video as taught in the FBI Class.
Also available on YouTube, if you prefer.
This is Part Two. In part one, we looked at the first eight verses. This completes the chapter.
Daniel, Chapter 1 is eminently practical. There is little prophetic significance to the chapter. However, for the believer who wants some serious lessons in practical Christian living, there are few places in God’s Word as rich as this.
This is the story of a (probably) sixteen year-old young man who loses everything, yet purposes in his heart that he will not defile himself. And in doing that, he does not quit when the going gets tough. If he had quit, he would have missed the richest blessings of God. No wonder the old hymn writer Philip P. Bliss wrote “Dare To Be A Daniel” in 1873.
Daniel: Chapter Two
Chapter Two, Part 1
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
Download the Class Handout.
View the Part 1 video as taught in the FBI Class.
Also available on YouTube, if you prefer.
This is Chapter Two, Part 1. The chapter begins with a great lesson in prayer. The kind of praying when you need an answer RIGHT NOW.
Chapter Two, Part 2
In Part Two of Chapter Two, Nebuchadnezzar begins to learn what it is to be humbled before a sovereign God.
The grand vision given to him upon his bed is fully revealed, and Daniel continues with the meanings of the heavenly symbols. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome are to follow with their empires. And one more… one that will fill the entire earth.
Teaser question: Are there four, five or six kingdoms represented in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream? Think before answering!
To view the lesson on YouTube, click here.
To view the lesson on Rumble, click here.
Chapter Two, Part 3
The head of gold, the chest of silver, the belly of bronze, the legs of iron and the final image kingdom of the feet and toes. Where is God going with all this?
And what then of the stone that breaks them all to pieces? The kingdom that shall be eternal?
To view the lesson on YouTube, click here.
To view the lesson on Rumble, click here.
Daniel: Chapter Three
Chapter Three, Part 1
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
Download the Class Handout.
View the Part 1 video as taught in the FBI Class.
Also available on YouTube, if you prefer.
This is Chapter Three, Part 1. The chapter takes us to the burning fiery furnace. Nebuchadnezzar sets up a golden image and demands it be worshiped.
God’s people refuse, and face the consequence of being burned alive. What’s the right response?
Chapter Three, Part 2
View the Part 2 video as taught in the FBI Class.
This is Chapter Three, Part 2. The chapter took us to the fiery furnace, and out again!
Out of the fire! If that wasn’t amazing, see what happens next.
The King’s word is changed. Stupendous… And all because three believers “presented their bodies as living sacrifices,” Romans 12:1-3.
Plus some Bonus Material as a warning against believing superstition.
If you prefer, you can watch Part 2 on YouTube.
Daniel: Chapter Four
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
Download the Class Handout.
View the video as taught in the FBI Class.
Also available on YouTube, if you prefer.
This is Chapter Four. This is Nebuchadnezzar’s personal testimony of being humbled before God. An amazing story, written by the ruler of the known world, the king of Babylon. It’s written in Aramaic, the language of the Babylonian Empire.
Note: This video is the result of combining two different lessons. They were recorded on successive Lord’s Days. The break and join comes at about the 39th minute.
Daniel: Chapter Five
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
View the video as taught in the FBI Class.
(This is the complete lesson. The previous post only included the first half)
View on YouTube if you prefer.
The writing is on the wall!
Belshazzar completely loses it when the hand appears. This is a great lesson to every nation that turns its back on God. “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”
Daniel: Chapter Six
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
Daniel is thrown alive into the den of hungry lions.
Darius, king of the entire Persian empires, wonders “Will your God, whom you serve continually, save you?”
Daniel: Chapter Seven
Download the entire PDF version of the chapter, all four parts combined.
Download the Class Handout #1.
Download the Class Handout #2.
We now embark on one of the richest prophetic portions of God’s Word. Daniel 7 is foundational to understanding the Book of Revelation. That book, in turn, informs our understanding of Daniel. This is truly “Scripture commenting on Scripture.”
In this chapter we are introduced to the “four beasts from the sea,” a picture of Antichrist’s end-time world kingdom. We look at his wars, his conquests, and begin to understand how it is that he will enjoy the worship of the entire fallen world. “Who is able to make war with him!” the world exclaims.
“The thief cometh not, but to steal, to kill, and destroy.” This is Antichrist. His doom is sure, but he “has a little time” before it concludes with him being cast into the Lake of Fire.
Study along with us. Learn all you can. The Lord Jesus said of this book, “Let him who readeth, understand!”
View the Part 2 video as taught in the FBI Class.
View Part 2 on YouTube if you prefer.
View the Part 3 video as taught in the FBI Class.
View Part 3 on YouTube if you prefer.
View the Part 4 video as taught in the FBI Class.
View Part 4 on YouTube if you prefer.
The four beast kingdoms in more depth. We look at the animal characteristics of the beast kingdoms. These are given to us, as prophecy students, so that we may be able to identify these entities when they arise.
Daniel: Chapter Eight
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
Download the Class Handout for Part 1.
Download the Class Handout for Part 2.
Chapter Eight, Part 1
In Part 1 of Chapter 8, we do some heavy lifting in Daniel’s prophecy.
Filling in the blanks, we look briefly at the Persian invasion of Greece, learn about the fury that powered Alexander the Great’s invasion of the Persian empire, and are amazed at the absolute dependability and precision of Bible prophecy.
Part 2
View Part 2 on YouTube if you prefer.
In Part 2 of Chapter 8, our lesson covers one of the most controversial verses in the book. That’s Daniel 8:14. Entire cult eschatologies (that’s the study of end-time events) have been built on the misinterpretation of this verse.
We will discuss all that and more. Spoiler Alert! This is where cults like Seventh-Day Adventism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others that followed William Miller before 1844 got their start.
Jump in with us and let’s see what the Lord has for us.
Chapter Eight, Part 5
(Yes, correct! Part 2 included parts 2, 3 and 4 combined)
We conclude the Eighth chapter of Daniel today. Much info about the antichrist, the church and the meanings of words like “Destroy”, “Prevail” and more.
This chapter was done in five parts. Some were stitched together in the last part, and this is the fifth, final part.
You can see all the videos, get the handouts and access to all resources at https://jayfaubion.com/danielseries/
You can also use our @fbiclass Youtube channel to view them, but handouts are not linked.
Daniel: Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine, Part 1
Daniel, chapter 9, has two major themes. The first is prayer. Not just any prayer, but the kind of prayer that God requires to restore the nation. Study to see as Daniel fulfills prophecy and prays the prayer that will restore the nation of Israel to the land.
The second major theme, all the in the last four verses, is Daniel’s Seventieth Week. We’ll say more when we get to that major study.
Download the PDF version of the class presentation (NOT AVAILABLE YET)
Download the Class Handout for Chapter 9, Part 1-2.
Download the Second Class Handout (verses 24-27)
Chapter Nine, Part 2
Daniel fulfills prophecy to break the curse on the nation of Israel from Leviticus chapter 26. Why did the seventy-year Babylonian captivity take place? Is God really sovereign in all His doings?
Chapter Nine, Part 3
Angels in a hurry, and prayer promises we (dare not?) believe.
All come together, presaging the introduction to Daniel’s Seventieth Week.
View on YouTube, if you prefer if you prefer.
Chapter Nine, Part 4
The Seventy Weeks Prophecy!
This is a major transition in Daniel. In this lesson and the next, learn the MATHEMATICAL PRECISION of Bible prophecy.
See God’s six goals for the seventy weeks (490 years) of years, which take us right up to the personal rule of Jesus Christ on the earth.
View this on YouTube, if you prefer.
Chapter Nine, Part 5
The last verse (27) of Daniel, Chapter 9. Who will confirm the covenant? And is it really going to be a “peace treaty?” Or is that just an outdated trope that we’ve said so many times, we think it’s God’s Word?
When Antichrist desolates the temple, a critical prophetic juncture is established. Immediately following this event, the Great Tribulation will ensue, the Fourth Seal of Revelation will be undone, and death will begin to reign over the world. Only the worshippers of the Beast will, for a short time, enjoy the prosperity they’ve been promised.
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
View this on YouTube, if you prefer.
Daniel: Chapter 10
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation. (LATER)
Download the Class Handout. LATER
View the video as taught in the FBI Class.
Also available on YouTube, if you prefer.
Daniel is shaken by the appearance of an angel. He’s now over eighty years old, and although his prayers for Israel have largely been answered, he is in mourning. Why? And what is it about encountering holiness that so humbles us?
Daniel: Chapter 11
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
There is no handout available for this chapter.
View the video on Rumble as taught in the FBI Class.
The critics of God’s Word hate this chapter!
Hundreds of years in advance of the actual occurrences (now history to us in the 21st century), Daniel reports the message given him by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel outlines the empires that will engage with Israel and Judah during the four hundred years between the Old and New Testaments.
Particular interest is shown in the wars between the “King of the South” and the “King of the North.” These are the Ptolemaic Greek empire of Egypt, and the Seleucid Greek Empire of Syria.
But it doesn’t stop there. By the time we reach verse 36, Gabriel reveals much of what we know about “The Beast,” also referred to in the New Testament as Antichrist.
So be amazed as Daniel reveals future history. Some already fulfilled for us, and much to come.
All in Daniel, Chapter 11.
NOTE: This is an omnibus video, comprising three successive lessons.
It’s therefore longer than usual.
If you prefer YouTube, use this link.
Daniel: Chapter 12
Download the PDF Version of the Class Presentation.
There is no handout available for this chapter.
View the video on Rumble as taught in the FBI Class.
Antichrist fights on two fronts, but goes to Jerusalem in order to take his place as false messiah.
Hints of the rapture in verse 2? If so, the resurrection is taking place in the context of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (Great Tribulation). Troubling for pre-trib Bible students, but is no surprise to the pre-wrath Bible scholar.
All twelve chapters on our website!
If you prefer YouTube, use this link.
View Part 2 on Rumble as taught in the FBI Class.
Today we cover verses three through nine.
What’s “time, times and a half time” all about?
1,260 days? 42 months? What’s going on?
Did Daniel know what he was writing about?
Faith Baptist Church, Danville, Indiana. The FBI (Faith Bible Investigators) Bible Class
All twelve chapters on our website!
If you prefer YouTube, use this link
View Part 3 on Rumble as taught in the FBI Class.
Today we cover verses 10 and 11.
What’s the 1,290 days all about?
And the 1,335 days?
What’s happening in these surprise time periods?
All twelve chapters on our website! http://jayfaubion.com/danielseries/
View Part 4 on Rumble as taught in the FBI Class.
The end of our Daniel study!
What happens during those last 75 days, after the Seven Years of Daniel’s Seventieth week?
And along with that, consider God’s tender care for his old prophet in verse 13. Daniel may not have understood all he was given, and was probably too old to return to Jerusalem. But God, in his love and care, promises him that at the “end of the days,” Daniel will be there to see it all take place.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! We look forward to the time when “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.” Maranatha!
All twelve chapters on our website! http://jayfaubion.com/danielseries/
Click here to watch on YouTube if you like.
About The FBI Class
The FBI Bible class is taught by Jay Faubion. Jay is a former missionary who served in VietNam, Guam and among the Chinese in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Beijing.
The class is a ministry of Faith Baptist Church, in Danville, Indiana. We are Bible-believers.